

My roommate is really starting to get to me. I have already cleaned her room omce before a few months ago and proceeded to do it again the other day. When I say hoarding its mostly newspapers and other pieces of paper and lots of expired food. She has had newspapers from December of 2017 until now piled in her room with no intention of going through them and expired coupons from August and September of last year. I have found what was before cakes and cookies but now crumbles from this past Christmas. Her room was starting to smell again and I vacummed a ton of hair because she refuses to even do that. Yes, it may have been wrong of me to go in there since she is paying her half for the room but its miserable. The lease doesn't end until July and she refuses to believe she has a hoarding problem. She's even destroying my furniture by leaving cups and dishes on it. What do I do? I have a baby on the way and that room is going to be the nursery if I can get her to leave.