Twice in Two Weeks!



This is the second time in two weeks that I have had to call out of work.

I am 35 weeks and 3 days with my little girl. And for like the last few weeks I have been feeling like shit. I am up all night throwing up and having diarrhea like to the point I’m scared of not making it to the bathroom which is right on the other side of my bedroom wall. Its insane.

I’m constantly staying hydrated. I drink around 20 cups of water a day if not more. I have a 68oz water bottle with me at all times. I don’t know what to do. My doctors said it’s possible I picked up a stomach bug. They aren’t too concerned because baby is moving all around even a little more than usual. They said I have to just let it run its course.

Well letting it run its course is screwing with my life and my money. I don’t make that much. And I don’t get paid maternity leave.

So when I go out, I have 9 full days of sick and vacation time saved up to use but that’s it. And my boyfriend doesn’t make much either and he is going to be taking over the payments for my car while I’m out. That’s $500 a month right there. Out of like the $1100 he makes a month.

I just can’t take this anymore. I do apologize for the long-ish post. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you ladies!❤️