Low-grade fever almost once a week?


I’m starting to get concerned. Almost once a week, my 3.5mo develops a low-grade fever (99.5-100.2 degrees, never higher). It lasts only a day or even just a few hours. Sometimes she gets extra sleepy during this time, but usually isn’t much fussier than normal. It doesn’t spike over night. Sometimes it seems like she pees less during this time even though she is drinking normally and well hydrated. She has gone 6-7 hours overnight without a wet diaper. Then when we get up for the day, she’ll pee a LOT. I’m taking her to the doctor today just in case. Her older brother is in daycare and brings home lots of germs, but having a temperature like that once a week seems excessive to me.

Side note: she seemingly has food allergies that manifest when she encounters certain food proteins through my milk, so I’ve had to avoid all dairy, soy, eggs, wheat, beef, and cerrsim types of fruit. Her symptoms are painful gas, reflux, and eczema. All symptoms have iproved since I drastically altered my diet.

I’m just always on my toes with this baby It’s making me so sad that she might have allergies. I just want her to have the best start in life, and so far that hasn’t happened. I’m tryimg so hard to help her. Google is making me so anxious.