Wtf?!? Starting IVF and best friend tells me she is pregnant

So my husband and I have been TTC for almost a year. I've been poked, prodded, stuck more times than I care to remember. Starting <a href="">IVF</a> meds THIS WEEK. I got all the medications yesterday, I'm completely overwhelmed and just want to crawl in a hole I feel like such a failure and everything is just so unbelievably hard. So my best friend, who I've known my whole life, who is like a sister to me, who knows everything I'm going through, calls me this morning to tell me she's pregnant....... W. T. F. 
I had a mental breakdown yesterday when I received all the medications and had to tell work I was taking a leave of absence. My biggest phobia is needles and I'm terrified of all the injections. I already feel so broken down by infertility. Yes I've seen a counselor. Yes I've tried everything. My husband and I are not rich, yes, we have it better than a lot of people, but we don't have never ending money. For specialist visits, for surgeries, for acupuncture, for counselor, for $2000+ and counting for <a href="">IVF</a> meds, for $12,000 for <a href="">IVF</a>, for high risk obgyn visits, for all the vitamins and supplements, for all the healthy foods. Etc etc etc
It seems like everyday someone else is getting pregnant. It seems like everyday I'm reminded I'm not good enough to have a baby. I'm married to a wonderful man who will be the best father I could ever have hoped for. We are both well educated, have caring, loving families. We would do anything for a child, we just want to be parents and love and raise a child who will be the light of our lives. Why is that so difficult? Why is it so easy for everyone else? All I have ever known my whole life is that I wanted to be a mommy. Why is it so hard to stay positive. To everyday paste a smile on my face and pretend like I'm not dying inside. 
I'm flabbergasted and shocked at my best friend she just got back together with her boyfriend, and wasn't trying to get pregnant, and now she's pregnant. After knowing everything I'm going through, why would she tell me? How am I supposed to be happy and supportive of her? I want to be but just can't right now. I know she has had her struggles and wanted to get pregnant but couldn't. But selfishly I think, you've never been married, my husband and I have been trying, we are stable, we are ready and prepared for this, we want this more than anything!! Why can't we have it? I don't know how I'm going to be able to see her or support her or be happy for her when I'm having to inject myself 4 times a day, get blood draws everyday, egg retrieval, embryo transfer, all of that, to not even know if I will get pregnant. We have always wanted to have kids around the same time, Im just so mad at the world because it's not fair. I want to be happy for her but I can't be. I'm so lost and tired of it all. Thank you for letting me rant.