Chemical pregnancy/late period/dealing with friends


I think I had a chemical pregnancy this cycle 🙁 I had faint positives on different brands both my SO and I saw and I wanted to watch the line get stronger so I kept testing and suddenly they were gone. My period is 4 days late and I just read that besides late mensuration and faint positives there’s basically no other signs of a chemical pregnancy. If you had a chemical pregnancy how late was your period, if it was late at all? I’m ready to get started on this next cycle and try again. Also I stupidly told a friend when we got a positive and now I don’t know how to bring up that we’re not expecting. She made comments when I had my ectopic “that it wasn’t a real pregnancy” even tho I was having serious issues and had to terminate that pregnancy at the hospital. Advice on the chemical pregnancy or dealing with her would be appreciated