Not feeling pregnant and its stressing me out!


Im 13 wks 1 day and I don't feel pregnant like I did between weeks 7-11 :(

My belly isn't getting bigger, my heart burn and nausea has gone away, my fatigue has gotten better. Only thing left is very sore nipples.

This is my first pregnancy that has gone past 9 weeks so Im very nervous!! My next OB appointment is on the 7th and I'm scared to go because I'm worried she'll say the baby stopped growing. I'm stressing over every little thing because it took us 3 years to get pregnant and I want this so bad!

Anyone else in the same boat?

Anyone going through the same thing or anyone willing to add anything to this I would greatly appreciate it, hoping having someone else who has been through the same thing will ease my mind a bit.

I have a tilted uterus so I know that can effect showing and its my first pregancy that will have gone into a second trimester but my belly hasn't grown at all :(

I don't have any bleeding/spotting or cramping but I've heard it can take up to 4 weeks from when a baby stops growing to when nature does its thing. Ughh I really need to stay off WebMD!