Made this delicious tostada de tinga (Mexican dish) recipe will be below picture


Put to boil how ever much chicken breast you wanna boil add chicken bouillon half onion and 3 garlic gloves

For the sauce part;

Put 3 Chipotle chiles in the blinder add chicken broth from the chicken you put to boil add a pinch of cumin add chicken bouillon and tomato bouillon add the 3 garlic cloves you boiled and the half onion you put to boil blend it.

Shred the chicken add oil to a pan cut some onion up add it to the chicken wait for like 5-10 mins and then add the sauce you blended and let it boil for like 10-15 mins also add 2 pinches of salt and done it's ready to eat. 😍🤤😋🙃😊

If you make it please comment your results here id love to see how it turned out for you