Thought this was going somewhere...

Me and a good friend hooked up a few months ago twice. We talked for a good month after...he was going so fast and I wanted to take it slow but was ready to commit the day he ended things. I’ve been so worried we wouldn’t be able to go back to being good friends anymore. That’s all I wanted and I went back to things I used to do like send him memes. He’ll like some, comment, and not like them sometimes. I posted pics on Instagram and he didn’t start liking them again until a few weeks ago. Things have seemed good between us recently...he’s even sent me posts and what not. A few weeks after we ended things I found out he was talking to a girl. It made me upset bc he told me he didn’t want to cont our relationship bc he couldn’t do an LDR or wasn’t ready for a committed relationship, which now I’m thinking it was a big lie or he miraculously changed within a few weeks. Anyways, he liked my pic late at night two days ago and since I’ve sent him a few memes and no likes from him. Today I saw he was still commenting flirty things on that one girls insta. I obv wish things were different but they’re not and I know I need to move on. But do y’all think we can still be good friends??? Are these all good signs that we’re going back to the friendship we did have??! Do people go back to being friends after having sex and talking? It’s just difficult bc he’s across the country and only visits a few times a year so the only way we talk in through social media