How would you go about this? Mom posting photos and my full name on social media. (Resolved!)

My mom posts about me on her Facebook account. I HATE it. I do not put my photo or full name out there. She made a post today using a pretty embarrassing photo of me. It was from when I was a teen and was messing around with my friends, trying to be funny. I literally was making a beard with my hair but no one can tell that’s what I was doing so I just look weird. She put my full birthdate and my first, middle, and last name on the post, along with more info about me. She knows I don’t like it. I told her I’m uncomfortable. She does not care. If I ask her to take it down, she’ll get PISSED. She says “everyone else gets to post photos of their kids. It isn’t fair that I can’t.” I understand she wants to post about us, but I don’t feel comfortable having photos of me on the internet. Especially of ones I don’t approve of. I feel so powerless in the situation as well because I know she’ll get stupidly so mad if I insist on her deleting it. And a bunch of people have already commented. I just want to cry. I’m sure people will think I’m overreacting, but I’m just a very private person.

*I don’t have Facebook myself and cannot report it. If she sees that it gets deleted from a report, l will face a lot of backlash as she’ll be very upset.

**LOL okay thank you everyone for your help. I ended up talking to her again and she was pretty annoyed. I got pretty upset so we talked it out and she deleted it and we found a different photo for her to upload that I like with a different caption. All is well, now. Thanks again!