Have you ever thought...


I was reflecting on my life the other day. I thought of my siblings, cousins, classmates, and acquaintances that I had come a crossed over the years.

I thought of the individuals they introduced me to, the things I learned from them, the experiences we shared, how they have impacted my life and the reverse.

I also began to question how different I would be if we had not crossed-paths? The experiences I would not have acquired. There would be a boat load of circumstances that I could not relate to.

I had my first child 1 week shy of 16 - I was embarrassed 😞 for years. But I have learned to own it. My children are the catalyst my life needed. (12 and 7)

With that being said, I have never been on birth control and I realized when I tried for my second child that I could not conceive. I thought I would have 1 child for the rest of my life. Just as I learned to accept that painful idea .....BOOM!!! My charismatic child made a grand appearance. As that child does every time he enters a room.

The reason for my boring story....

The souls we are destined produce are also purposed to meet, befriend, impact, fight, tend, protect, <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> another soul in this world.

Their season has not yet arrived. They are waiting for classmates, teachers, counsellors, caregivers, and parents to manifest. Their gifts and callings are all intertwined with another individual. Every generation needs outstanding women and men to lead us into the next paradox.

Time is the master of all things. I know we are all tired of hearing that it is in God’s hands/everything happens for a reason but trust the process. Try to enjoy the time without the children as you will miss it one day. I sure do from time to time. Don’t worry about who wants to know if you are having children or maybe when you will try for another. Those that matter don’t mind and those that mind don’t matter. If you let seep in, you will begin to resent and compare yourself to other women.

So all you women out there trying conceive........PLEASE DON’T BE DISCOURAGED!!


Fast forward now married to children’s father TTC - 5 years on/off

I’m super tired as I write this. Eyelids closing down but I truly pray that it helps someone and that it makes sense.