Extremely High HCG

Hi mamas,

I made the rookie mistake of looking on Google and now I’m freaking out... my HCG blood counts are super high (off the charts). They’re also more than doubling every 2 days (sometimes 3-4 times up).

I did an early scan at 4W5D (I was bleeding) and saw just 1 sac. I was thinking, maybe twins again but now I’m reading that high HCG can mean Down Syndrome. Anyone have any idea or experience with this?

Here are my numbers:

3W2D - Blood Test HCG: 43.5

3W4D - Blood Test HCG: 178.5

3W6D - Blood Test HCG: 455.91

4W1D - Blood Test HCG: 1273.76

4W5D - Blood Test HCG: 7741.45