Voluntary Induction

Hi. I was wondering if any mamas have experience with this or are planning one now?

I'm due June 16th. I've had quite the issues with my obgyn being rude & unprofessional & I'm to far along to switch. But I'm wanting to be induced June 2. My husband works on the opposite side of CA and obviously it's important for him to be there, on top of my continuously high BP I'm hoping this will be am option for me. At the measuring scan she was already measuring 4.5 pounds @ 29 weeks.

I know I need to make sure her lungs are developed, but the doctor also keeps telling me shes gonna be huge because I've gotten quite big even though I only gained 15 lbs. Do you think theres a chance of early induction? Do I have a right to get induced or is it up to him?

*to answer some questions*

No he has not diagnosed me with hypertension or preeclampsia but MY BP is always 150/90 or higher. He made me start taking BP medicine and it has not changed it. It seems he just likes to tell me I'm doing something wrong but offers no resolution. She is only a few inches away from the birthing canal and has been that way for 10 weeks now so I'm sure she will be early.