Miscarriage & TTC


So a little back story:

We have a three year old currently. I was on Nexplanon and got it removed February 21st. On March 17th I tested positive on a pregnancy test. Fast forward we had our first ultrasound on April 12th. The baby was 6w6d with a heart rate of 144. I was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage and the gestational sac was slightly smaller than expected. I also had to take progesterone pills because my levels were slightly low. Around the 8w mark I started bleeding thinking it was my hemorrhage.. it turned out that I was miscarrying and the baby’s heart stopped at 7w1d. I started bleeding April 20th and I had a D&C on the 24th of April. I stopped bleeding that next day.

If I go based off my first day of bleeding I’d be ovulating through this week correct? My husband and I want to get pregnant again right away and as my doctor put it, I’m very fertile. I’ve been having some cramping in my ovaries and have also had a high sex drive. So I’m hoping like heck it’s that time!! Wish me luck ladies!! 🌈💕❤️