False negative pregnancy test???


Has anyone experienced this??? I have missed 2 periods in a row and have every early pregnancy symptom but both pregnancy tests I took said negative. I took the first one in the afternoon and the second one the next morning first thing. Both tests were from the same package from first response. "Tells you 6 days before you're missed period". That was 2 weeks ago. I STILL havent started! I have been experiencing nausea, fatigue, food aversions, breast and nipple tenderness and pain, and of course the two missed periods in a row. No period in April, none in March. There was a couple of days in March that I did have some "spotting" but it was laughable. I recently did restart birth control that I have been off of for a while but it is the same birth control I've been on for years(with the exception of 2 pregnancies) I really don't want to go buy yet another pregnancy test just for it to say negative.... I'm considering making a doctor's appointment, I just dont want to look like a fool making an unnecessary appointment. What do yall think? Had anyone ever experienced something like this???