We are seeking adoption!! ❤️❤️


Hi, we are Jared & Kaetlyn Dickson. We have been married for 8 years and are seeking a baby to adopt. We are high school sweethearts, very involved in church and family is a big thing to us. We have tried several rounds of fertility treatments and even though we are unexplained, we haven’t had any success.

We would love the opportunity to bring a precious child into our home and pour all our love into he/she. We have fostered and still do, so we have a home study ready and an attorney on hand.

We are located in Edmond, Oklahoma but open to other states. We both have steady jobs and once we move forward with adoption, I would be a SAHM. Please know, if you have read our post, we appreciate the time you spent.

Thank you all & God Bless. ❤️