“I used LOA to get pregnant”


For those who keep trying and fail each month

For those who pray day and night for a miracle

For those of you who obsess and analyze everything pregnancy

For those of you who will do anything to get pregnant and stay pregnant

I discovered the secret, the trick, the answer, the solution.

I encourage all of you to research and read about the Law of Attraction. It changed my life and it helped me to conceive my bundle of joy after a loss.

1. Thoughts become things

2. What you feel right now is all that matters and each moment going forward

3. Feel good and things come easily

4. To feel good, change your thoughts

5. Repeat - it’s easy to get pregnant

6. Imagine the ease of it all, plan the name, plan the nursery, browse maternity clothes. Have FUN! If it’s not fun don’t do it.

7. Don’t take action unless it feels right or good. If you feel bad don’t do it. That’s a signal you’re going against the flow.

My story - I repeated day in and day out - it’s easy to get pregnant. Had sex only once in my fertile window and said - it only takes one time to get pregnant. Picked out my baby’s name. Felt good! Sure enough just 10 days after that one time I got a faint line on a test. And my baby was conceived.

I felt relaxed. I didn’t feel anxious. To get there, focus on feeling good now whatever that may be.

I love the Abraham Hicks books on Law of attraction.

Love and prayers to all!
