
So last night I got so nauseous I had to get up and eat a yogurt..I have been really exhausted this week, sensitive to smell, and clear skin even though I should be getting my period any day now.

So this morning after I got up for a second time to use the bathroom I decided why not, and took a test. Then my girls got up, so I put the test in the closet and came back for it.

The line is fairly faint but it’s there. I tried to take a picture but it’s faint and I can’t seem to get one without glare.

Part of me is feeling super excited, the other part of me knows the chances of me not having morning sickness for the next nine months is slim. I’m now 3 for 3 having bad morning sickness. And my husband is being deployed. if we waited and planned our family around deployments or army training we wouldn’t have any kids.

And I will test again in a few days. But yea!

But I have really been wanting one more...and I just wanted to share my happiness.

I’m also extra excited because I had the flu really bad this month around when I was supposed to be ovulating so I was sure it would be another month of negative....

Babies are such a blessing!