These hormones ... killing me

I got diagnosed with antepartum depression and anxiety..

I’ve literally became psycho!

My husband & I have fought to the point where it’s been getting abusive.

No ladies, it’s NOT only his fault... I won’t leave him just bcuz we’re going through a hard time.

He hasn’t hit me or physically abused me to the point where I’m hurting. But he is bigger ... a lot bigger ... & when we fight it gets to the point where we’re pushing each other...

I never use to be like this. & most of the fights have stemmed from me.. it feels like I just get triggered & another women comes out! I hate it & I hate myself for it. I just want to feel normal again.... I want to be happy with my husband.... & I want to have a healthy baby.... anyone who had endured postpartum depression should know what I mean.... it’s not you.. but what can I do to fix this?!? My doctor told me antepartum is treated differently.... I can’t really take medication bcuz most anti depressants aren’t healthy...

well he prescribed me adarax... which the pharmacist along with others have said I shouldn’t take it....

& honestly I don’t want to take anything that will harm my baby or have my baby come out shaking bcuz of withdraws (what the doc said could happen)

Anyways, I’m torn. & I cannot fight with my husband anymore.. I don’t know what to do to get him to understand how “pregnancy hormones” & “antepartum depression” works.. I just want to be happy & be myself again. :(