HCG Obsessed

Adriana • ❤️Married 🎀 Mommy to a sweet baby girl, born January 2020

Is anyone as obsessed with hcg Levels as me? I had an early miscarriage last year. This is my second pregnancy.

Tuesday’s level: 41

Thursday’s: 161

Today’s (Saturday) 327

I’m going back on Monday, hoping for a

really high number that day.

I’m being paranoid, but on the positive side I’ve been feeling my symptoms more intense this time around. My breasts are way more sensitive and bigger already.

I have the cramps, the back soreness and a touch nausea. My last pregnancy my breasts were slightly sore and I only had mild cramps. Fingers crossed!!

I have two friends who are barely in their 2nd trimester and I’m so excited to be a part of the pregnancy group lol