Expecting too much or postpartum depression?

Hi ladies,

this is gonna be a long post, sorry in advance.

I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy on March 12th💙So he is now almost two months old and even though sometimes it’s hard I am the happiest I have ever been to have him in my life.

The-not-so-happy part is when it comes to my boyfriend and his father. We’ve been together for over two years and he has a son from previous relationship, he is 3. Our boy wasn’t planned, we knew we wanted kids, just didn’t plan it so soon. But when it happened we were excited. And since he was born I am extremly unhappy in our relationship...in relationship with my soulmate, love of my life and yet since I gave birth, unhappy. I am alone with the baby a lot, mostly we see each other in the morning for breakfast and then in the evening. Let me tell you that he works mostly from home-but there is always something he has to do, somewhere to go, he spends afternoons with his other son and that leaves us evenings(which he spends in front of TV). He tells me thats more than enough and that I’m needy. Don’t get me wrong-I know many families funcion that way but we always talked how our lives would be different, and that relationships and family are a priority. So we fight a lot about that, he says he has to earn money and not “lie around with me” (as if thats what I do all day?!). The other thing that breaks my heart is his relationship with our son. He is so uninterested in him...baby is completely my responsibility, he changes a diaper maybe once a week, brings water when I bathe him (and then he’s gone to watch TV) and carries him at night when (if) he cries for long and I can’t get him to calm down so that he wakes him up. Thats it. If I ask him to do something regarding the baby, he will do it, but I always see he does bare minimum and can’t wait to finish. And he does nothing with the baby on his own... And it pisses me off cause he is such a wonderful father to his first son. So loving and caring and protecting...and he just said it’s different cause he is his first and thats a special bond and because the boy doesn’t live with us. He can’t stand him crying but wants me to let our baby “cry it out” and settle on his own. I think there should be no differences between children, no matter what. When I talk to him about all this he says I’m overreacting, too demanding and that I’m having postpartum depression and should go to a doctor and take antidepressants. And sometimes I feel like I’m not with the person I got pregnant with. What do you guys think? I don’t feel depressed...yes I’m overwhelmed, tired, sleep deprived, cause I practicaly take care for a baby by myself, but not depressed! I have no dark thoughts about my little boy or myself I’m just not happy with our lives...Or am I really not seeing things clearly and I’m hormonal?