Medical or any advice would be fab

Hi ladies,

I wanted to ask if anyone else has had this problem.

On the 5 of April 2019 I had my contraceptive implant removed and was swapped over to the Contraceptive injection. Everything was fine.

On the 9th of April 2019 I started feeling bit run down. I just thought hay fever, cold. But then I had a constant nag in my head telling me to take a pregnancy test. It’s come back a strong positive.

On the 10th April 2019 it was still coming positive.

My last period was 25th feb. And I haven’t bled since!!! I have had really light spotting but nothing like pregnancy spotting.

And from 15th of April my test then come back negative and then I started feeling unwell. Had sickness and a high temp etc. I have a scan to check my ovaries and tubs booked soon as I suffer with Cysts on my ovaries.

I don’t know how to feel my heads a mess! The same like last year I ended up having a miscarriage.

Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem or is going through this. If anyone has what did you guys do? I’m just so confused. I need some sort of relief of all of this.

Any help would be fab! 💗