The love of my life

Megan • Mommy of 2 girls && one boy 💙. One angel daughter . Step Mom of 2 boys 🤞❤️

I just want to brag about my wonderful man !

He literally works his ass off allowing me to quit my job while I get my doctorate . And this weekend has been so rough our youngest has been in the hospital when the other 3 are just wild ... and it’s been insane ! And the youngest is disabled so things are difficult when he gets sick . And he’s just been amazing - demanding i sleep all day cause I had finals all week (I passed this semester so he came home with flowers ) and since I don’t work I don’t get my nails done anymore and he literally just demanded a pampered and catch up on sleep day ! And i know it’s small but I bust my ass off I. School and making sure all 4 are amazing !

Not to add one of my children are not his - not even the same race ! She’s mixed but her dad is not present and he went out of his way on his own to get adoption papers for her , for her birthday (that’s gonna be one of the gifts she opens! She’ll officially be a Boyd !!!! And have a daddy legally ) and it’s just insane to see such a young man (he’s 28 im 27) stepping up to be someone beyond belief and I’m still questioning how I’m so blessed ! But ima keep thanking god everyday !!!

And we have some Symptoms heading our way looking like pregnancy so we may be having #5!!!!

I’m so obsessed with this man ! And it makes no sense ! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

And that booty tho 😍😭