How it begin


First we start as friends with benefits then A year later I found out I’m pregnant had a miscarriage which didn’t go to well!! Then he starts to have feelings for me telling me he love me and he’s always by my side no lie! Always at my family event every single one of them he never miss it!! In his room have my stuff like clothes toothbrush etc!! He help me out a lot not in financial ways! But he help me to get on track with school work and family issue!! We always together then earlier today we were at the movies and someone text him the name pop up as MY QUEEN! I ask he didn’t answer he said after the movies he have to go out! He knows my cousin opening her restaurant today he said he’s not going there I was upset he went home and call me said he have to do something for his mom and after that if I wanna go eat somewhere ! I’m guessing his plans got cancel I know his mom don’t text cause she be calling me she don’t text! Yes I’ve feelings for him also what am supposed to do!! Help