Late, negative, sick, cramps, exhausted, confused


Period is two weeks late. Never been this late without spotting. Except for when I was pregnant with my first.

My husband and I use the pull out method and did so during my fertile window (we have an 8month old who doesn’t sleep very much so we took the opportunity to spend some much needed time together and I didn’t realise until a few days later) so we were really not careful (at all)

I have had two normal periods and still breastfeeding.

I have had 8 days of abdominal cramps, 6 days of feeling exhausted, 4 days of on and off nausea and 2 days of needing to pee slightly more and 1 day of being off food.

I took a test 3 or 4 days ago and it was 100% negative.

The only other time I felt like this was when I was pregnant with my first.

I’m freaking out

And the mood swings kicked in this morning.

Should I just go to my GP?