He’s here, and we’re home!


First time mama here, four days old, got to come home today🥰

Just wanted to introduce myself, and baby boy. I seem to know plenty of the mama’s here and I am so excited to be part of the tribe.

36 hours of induced labor at 37 weeks(due to Gestational hypertension), we tried to get him here on my birthday, April 29th. Little man decided he needed his own day with failure to progress(7&1/2cm 18 hours after waters broken)

We were immediately prepped and taken to the OR. I had to try and drop all anxieties about a c-section because he needed to be safe, and that’s all I wanted at the end of the day.

It was intense, but much less than I thought it would be. I realized I was open.. and then I heard a little squeak, and my whole body broke down. I couldn’t produce tears but I just cried and cried, waiting to see him.

12 hours into our first day with him, his sugars dropped below 20, and he was taken to NICU. I went into a full on panic attack. We didn’t get very straight answers through the whole first day. Truly, not even on the second day. He spent 48 hours of monitoring, beginning with IV fluids. It broke my heart. As upset as I might have been, I am grateful that he had such perfect people taking care of him. I’m so happy to have been able to bring him home with me today. Time to find our new normal♥️

Anden Wesley FinCannon: 4.30.19@8:05am

6lbs 5oz, 19 inches long.

Definitely a different story than I imagined. I’m just happy we are both here and safe.