Small Subchorionic Hemorrhage and Relieved


First ultrasound came 3 days early because I started bleeding on Saturday (red, moderate, and with a single clot) with moderate to light cramps for a couple hours before settling down to spotting ever since. On top of it all, this is our rainbow baby (with our angel, started spotting but quickly stopped and was sustain by progesterone until our 8 week ultrasound where baby measured 6 weeks and had a faint heartbeat. Finally started spotting at 10.5 weeks, and had an ultrasound again two days early at week 11, confirming baby was gone). And this rainbow took about 18 cycles to conceive and three months of Clomid despite how easy his/her siblings were. But I have even more symptoms than my first healthy pregnancy and had no spotting before this so was feeling confident. Well had my hcg today—61,000. And they let me come in for an early ultrasound to ease our minds instead of waiting til Thursday. Baby measured 8w2d (cycle says I’m 8w2d, but first was a couple days small and my guess on ovulation would suggest exactly 8w2d!) and heart rate was 165! They said bleeding was due to a small subchorionic hemorrhage, which when it’s small, doesn’t grow, and isn’t in a bad place (all of which mine seems to be) it is something to watch, but shouldn’t cause a problem. Sooooo relieved and thankful. When I started bleeding on Saturday, I was freaking out and so afraid I was losing the baby right then. Praise be to God!