Anyone feel like this


So I just have gotten out of a three year long relationship. I was more than happy to be done with this relationship. I went 6 month single with no sex. I started talking to this guy and we went out on a date and it it was fun. Then we went out again and it was a lot of fun. He wanted to go see a movie. I felt tired and suggested we just go watch a movie at his place (had no intention of having sex). We get there and he starts to flirt more. Which I did back (now I’m thinking about having sex with him). And we went to his bed and watched tv and then we kissed for an excessive time it wasn’t sloppy or anything like that. It was slow and passionate. He then tells me I can stop whenever I want. And i tell him I’m ok. Then we get closer to doing it and I get nervous. Not for sex but because he had a great body but I did not. I’m small and I have big chest. I’m skinny but my stomach isn’t tone. So I don’t feel my hottest. So I get nervous this is my first time having sex since my ex (who I hate). But then he starts to have sex with me and he was really into it. Really into and we did it twice actually. But idk if he got off to get off or if he was even attracted to me. Please help