Got my bfp but still feeling jealous

We went through nine months of <a href="">iui</a> with 5 cycles. I had to sit some out due to a cyst that required an operation to remove it. I couldn't believe it when we finally saw those two lines. I went through so many emotions while trying to get pregnant including a lot of jealousy and sometimes hormone induced crying/ angry fits about other friends of mine that we're getting pregnant so easily. I'm not usually one to be so jealous but I read that these were normal emotions to feel because of what we were going through so I let myself feel them. It got so much better once I got pregnant but I have one friend couple that I can't really get past the anger with. They don't know about any of these emotions. We did three clomid cycles, two femara with the trigger on the last one. They went to a different doctor and just went ahead and got injectibles on their first go and got pregnant with triplets, which I personally see as irresponsible of the doctor. I don't want triplets so why do I still feel negativity toward them? They are about to give birth and I am 14 weeks along. Is this normal or am I crazy??? Help! Anyone else feel this way? I just want to be happy for them.