New workout regimen


Hey everyone!

I started Farrell’s Extreme BodyShaping almost a month ago!

It’s a 10 week kickboxing and strength training course that is designed to burn fat and help you gain muscle. This program is 6 days/week, every other day we switch from kickboxing to resistance bands. You also receive a nutrition coach that calculates your macros and what you should be eating, how much, and how often. I’m set to eat 14g of protein per meal, and 22g of carbs per meal, eating 6 small meals a day.

The results after these 10 weeks are AMAZING. People look like a completely new person!

Anyways, I’m not crazy out of shape, I’m 5’3” and weigh about 140lbs.

I’m at the beginning of week 4 in this program, and my reason for posting this is because I’ve noticed no changes in my body.

I’ve been eating clean, healthy, and following everything my nutrition coach has told me. I work my ass off 6 days a week at our workouts, but after almost a month I haven’t seen real progress in my body.

This is the longest I’ve stuck to a workout/diet plan and I guess I was hoping to see small, little changes that would keep my head up by now.

The coaches will say to the class, “you’ll most likely be noticing some changes in your body by now. Your clothes should be fitting better, and you should be seeing it in the mirror.”

It’s hard to believe that if I’ve seen no changes in my body by now, I won’t have this amazing turn out that everyone else has after 10 weeks. :/