Ovulation without first cycle?

AJ • Expecting #2, 12/6/21 🌈 Baby Girl born 2/19/20 💕 2 MC: 10.5.18. & 3.25.19

My first miscarriage I got my period right on track at 28 days after D and C.

This second time around I had a d and c again, back on March 25th and expected my body to behave the same and jump right on track.

I had some break through spotting about 22-24 days after d and c and thought oh I’m going to get my period again.... cycle days 29-30 hit and I had minor I mean tiny amounts of spotting.

Fast forward to today, 44 days after d and c, and I started getting darker ovulation lines on my test strips.

Anyone else have this happen? Wondering if my breakthrough bleeding that was sooo minor might have been a mini period? As I am about 2 weeks exactly from that date and got a positive OPK last night?

We are wanting to try ASAP again, but having my cycle not fully return yet has been frustrating.