lightheaded, dizzy, feels like i’m going to pass out


but whenever i get to a BP cuff or am able to get my BP taken, it’s “normal”

34 weeks today and i basically feel like my husband is going to find me on the floor at some point.

i have my own BP cuff but i can’t put it on myself and i could honestly watch like 500 youtube videos and it hasn’t seemed to help me any. i could put it on my right arm, but i still have no clue what i’m looking for necessarily. i have an appointment tomorrow morning, and hoping i can just wait it out until then, but i know as soon as i mention it- and they take my BP anyways, it’s going to be in the 120’s/70’s. i’ve eaten plenty today and i go through like a case of water a week which is like 6-8 bottles a day. is there ANY other reason i’d feel like i’m going to pass out other than BP? it’s super frustrating when the doctors treat me like i’m making stuff up or something.

do i actually have to pass out for them to believe me? 😠

also if you have any tips that might help me take my BP on my own that would be great. i thought i was listening for loud clicks but there’s like 5 not 2. idk what i’m doing help