Nipple discharge ??

Ok so I noticed the skin on my Areola has been very dry since I was about 5 weeks pregnant! I tried everything, cocoa butter, vitamin e, coconut oil, lansinoh lanolin cream!! Still dry & itchy.

I’m now 12 weeks pregnant & have noticed along with the dry, flakey skin on my Areola, I’m getting this brown discharge from the bumps on my Areola ( not my actual nipple )

I’m thinking of trying nipple butter but honestly I have no idea why this is happening! Google is making me think I have a serious issue but it also could be bc im pregnant ?? I’m going insane and my tits are always itchy lol help!!!!

Oh and I also have had my nipples pierced since June of last year .. never had an issue with my piercings so I highly doubt it has anything to do with them! Opinions?