Waiting for answers is the hardest

Paulette • 39 weeks Pregnant at 38 y/o after 5 miscarriages

So I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks 5 days. There was a sac and yolk sac but no baby, was told to come back in two weeks. In the mean time I had bloodwork and HCG was normal. Had my second ultrasound at 8 weeks 3 days and the radiologist said there is something there that wasn’t before that could be a fetal pole but we really aren’t sure..... doing my research I know at 8 weeks there should be a baby and a heart beat... so the next morning I got a call from my doctors office and they want me to do HCG again. I am hoping so bad that it is good and maybe I am just not as far along as they think I should be... but my hopes are starting to fall. The not knowing is so hard!