Blighted Ovum...?

I was supposed to be 10 weeks. I was supposed to be able to see baby at the ultrasound. Instead there was just an empty sac and I was only measuring 5 weeks. 
"Are you sure you have your dates correct?"
Well, yes. If I had a positive pregnancy test 6 weeks ago then my dates are correct...
It is called a blighted ovum. Apparently there was never a baby. My body sensed that there was something wrong and terminated the pregnancy before the embryo developed. It is so heartbreaking and I am so unsure what to think and how to process this! The fact that there was never a baby is disappointing. 
I have a follow up ultrasound tomorrow because they still think I have my dates wrong and they want to make sure I am not progressing... 
I have started to bleed again. Nothing heavy yet. No clots. It is a roller coaster of emotions everyday. 
Has anyone else experienced this type of miscarriage?