Weight gain...

I know the health of my baby is the most important thing but I’ve gained 8 lbs in ONE WEEK. I’m not eating anything different than i have been. I consider myself moderately healthy - i do enjoy ice cream a couple nights a week. I’m 23 weeks pregnant and i know the second trimester is where the weight packs on but if I’m adding on 8 lbs a week, i feel like I’ll be adding on over 100+ lbs! I started my pregnancy at 173 and now I’m 192. This is really stressing me out and I realize that it’s minuscule and stupid but i already don’t feel that “beautiful glow” that everyone says i should have. Sorry for sounding so miserable. I really am so excited for my baby and as long as she’s healthy, I’d do anything. I just feel so overwhelmed. What can i do?