My father in law just told me I don’t deserve shit for Mother’s Day from my husband cause I’m not his mom

Mandy • 💏2012 🎀👶🏼1/10/14👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻2019👼🏻6/30/19,👼🏻5/31/20

So my mother in law was just going on about how her boys never get her anything for Mother’s Day and I jokingly was like it’s ok Chris (my fiancé, her son) never gets me anything either just joking and my father in law looked at me all pissy and was like “that’s because your not his mama so he ain’t gonna get you shit”. I was just joking but that really ticked me off, my mom isn’t my dads mom but he always got her something for Mother’s Day every year. Mother’s Day isn’t just for your mom if your married and have kids with someone it can also be for your wife, the woman that went through hell to carry your child and then give birth to them and raise them. Am I just being hormonal about this?