When to go in maternity leave...?


I’m trying to decide when to go on maternity leave.

I told my job I’d try and stay until May 24th but I’m wondering if I should only stay until May 17th

I drive a school bus and drive on major highways and parkways so I’m a little nervous That if I go into early labor with a bus load of kids doing 55mph ..oh crap what do I do. Plus By the time I get done driving I’m exhausted.

What really got me thinking but my dr today told me that I’ll be full term in 2 weeks, I feel like even though I still have 29 days that may cut it close.

On the other hand it would be nice to still have those 2 paychecks and sitting at home for 3 weeks waiting for her could be torture.

I don’t know what to do...my husband has been telling me for 2 weeks that if I wanna stop working to go for it...
