He’s here... 💙💙


Avery James made his quick arrival at 2:53 PM Thursday, May 9 2019. His original due date was May 12 2019 but my OB started my induction a little early because my first was stubborn and went a day over even with two days of being induced. I went in Thursday morning at 6 AM bright and early and we began. I was sure it would be a slow process like my first, they checked me first thing and I was a 2, eh not great. So we began. By 9 I was at 3 CM, which I was thrilled with because it took me a whole day to get to that with my first son! They upped my pitocin several times which brought on INTENSE contractions but I wanted to go as long as possible before my epidural. By noon I was HOWLING and was at 5 CM. I tapped out and asked for the epidural, it took about an hour for them to give me enough fluids and for the person to get there. I was on cloud nine. They broke my water and I fell asleep for an hour, ONE HOUR. I wake up from contraction pain because my right side didn’t 100% take but it was bearable. They come to check me and there was a student nurse who asked if they could check while the other nurse watched and helped. “Sure!” I said. She proceeds to stick her fingers in and I notice she barely done anything and the nurse asked “what do you feel?” And the student nurse said “head!” At that point I’m like 😳😳😳 the nurse checked and said “yup, you’re ready to push!!” Girls it took less than 10 minutes for me to push him out. He was here in no time, and I didn’t tear 🙌🏻 I was soooo incredibly terrified of labor and pain even the second time around, I pushed myself as far as I could go and it paid off in the end! This birth was everything I had hoped for and my beautiful boy is here!

Avery James Lewis

6 lbs 15 oz

20 in long

Born at 2:53, May 9. 2019 💙