Best friend upset that I’m pregnant

Juliet • 🎼Music Addict🎼. 💝Newlywed.😍 Mom to a little prince 👶 little princess is due in May 🥰

My friend since high school (my best and longest friend) has been distant since I got pregnant this January. She and her husband have had trouble conceiving and even went through <a href="">IVF</a> last year.

She’s been distant since I told her, and blamed me for the distance. She was angry with how I told her I was pregnant. I made everyone I love a personalized video surprise reveal (a slideshow complete with music.) After I sent it to her, I tried to call her and she didn’t answer.

Best (After texting and trying to call her, with no reply back, I finally heard from her... after a month of silence.)

She expressed that it was hard for her, something I very much understand. Since that phone call, again I have heard nothing from her.

I’ve tried reaching out to her, and have heard nothing but crickets. I invited her to my gender reveal party as well, and never heard back from her.

We’ve been through high school, college, and weddings together. We’ve been there for each other as her mom passed away from pancreatic cancer and then my sister passed away from brain cancer.

I’m trying to be understanding and patient, but at the same time I want my best friend with me to share in the pregnancy.

I feel hurt by her reaction, and though I understand that it must be hard for her; shouldn’t she at least be able to be happy for me, as a friend?