Induced in 4 days...terrified


I am a first time mom and I am 37 weeks being induced in 4 days. I am terrified. They have to start by ripping my cervix before the induction. All my friends have warned me of how painful it all is. I am also disabled and my nerve condition is having a bad flair up right now.

Being induced do to GD and baby's heart rate drops when I am having contractions so they want to closely monitor baby. If things do not go well for baby's heart rate I will be having a c-section. This scares me even more. I have had horrible terrifying experiences of surgeries on my spine that I woke up in the operating room from. So being awake while being cut into sends me into a panic.

I have a loving husband but he is also very much freaking out. He is so concerned for both baby and me and our complications. The recovery time is also on the back of my mind. Everything will be so difficult for me not being as mobile and just basic functions. If we have to rely on so much outside help after baby arrives. I am just worried it will send me into depression and what if I don't bond with baby?

We just had this dream of this baby for so long and we have great support. I am usually the backbone of our marriage when it comes to being fearless and I am so needing my husband to be. We've had multiple conversations and seen so many doctors and have plans. I just am so worried he will come unraveled when I need him to keep me calm.

Disabled pregnant and scared.