Baby Blues. Need support bad :(


My son is nearly 2 weeks old. And he is truly incredible. His delivery was picture perfect, however, he spent a week in the NICU due to a tension pnuemothorax where he stopped breathing and was required to be on a ventilator, chest tube and feeding tube.

We are finally home and the adrenaline of keeping it together is finally draining. However I cant seem to get with the program. All I want to do is sleep, I have bouts of crying, going through the initial pain of finally being able to establish breastfeeding, trying to help my 2 yr old adjust, etc... I just feel completely overwhelmed and I cant help but feel that me and son #2 arent bonded. Not like me and #1 were anyway.

I try. Were sitting here doing skin to skin as I write this. Im attentive, im as doting as I can be w still having to mother my 2 yr old...

Ive read that stress can hinder the release of endorphins etc, making things worse, but. ..

I think I have baby blues. I know its just my body regulating again (more than likely) and from what I read, I should be balanced out by week 3.

Ive also read that actual postpartum depression & baby blues are different and that PPD doesnt actually occur until maybe a month postpartum?

Any one experience baby blues? Itll be a relief to know if this will soon fade away. On top of feeling like general crap, the guilt that tops it... well this just sucks.

Anyone who's ever experienced either I would love to hear from.

Doc appt is next wk. If not better, I will address. But hoping I can ride it out and will soon feel better.