Kicking me off the worship team

Grace • Grace • endo warrior • Christian • in love ❤️

I'm feeling absolutely heartbroken.

Let me explain.

Yesterday I went for a meeting with my worship pastor. I am on the worship team, and our church is quite influential nationally.

I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months. I love God. He loves God. We have clear boundaries. We are not having sex before marriage. However, living in different cities, and usually only getting to see each other once or twice a week, we share a bed often a night or two a week so that we can have dinner/breakfast together, and actually get to see each other.

I made it clear that we have boundaries, and aren't doing anything we shouldn't be.

But she is 'concerned' about me. And she doesn't want me to be on the team if we continue sharing a bed.

I have been part of my church for 8 years.

I am the only one from my family who goes to church. But I am really close with my parents. I got home yesterday and told them what happened, having called a friend who is Christian but from a different church, and she was not impressed that my pastor gave me that choice to make.

It isn't a choice between God and my boyfriend.

I know that being on the worship team doesn't define my faith. I know that not sharing a bed would not break us up, but it would be difficult to not be able to see each other as regularly.

I choose God no matter what I do.

But I feel like I've been backed into a corner.

I have served for 5 years on the worship team.

I was questioning my position on the team anyway. I do what I do for God. But it feels like I'm doing it to please people.

I know that I am good with God. I know I'm not "crossing lines". So why is she putting MORE boundaries in place, for me? I have my own.

She sets the rule for her team, but she doesn't set the rules for my life.

Please help me ladies. What should I do?


thank you ladies for all your words of wisdom! I have decided that I am going to make a stand and not be bullied into a decision that isn't theirs to make.

Our boundaries are our own, between me and God and my boyfriend. I know I'm not doing anything wrong, and while there is always a 'risk' of temptation, I overthink EVERYTHING (I have chronic anxiety to thank for that) and I never do anything without thinking it through a million times. And I know I wouldn't sleep with him because I know I would regret not waiting, even if we were to get married in the end. I think we will. But that's a while off yet.

At the end of the day, she runs the team, she makes the rules. I will no longer post anything that may appear to imply sin (even though the "appearance" of sin isn't necessarily sin) but I will not let anyone else dictate my boundaries.

I think however if I get kicked off the team, I will leave the church. I am not okay with being treated like that - being given an ultimatum between church and my boyfriend.

Thank you all!