Closing doors.


My husband ever since I met him has had a bad habit of leaving cabinet and closet doors open after he is done getting whatever he needs. If I could keep our cabinets neat and tidy, I would say let's get rid of the doors to eliminate this because it drives me 100% insane when I see all the cabinet doors open. Well,this morning I wake up and see the garage door and service door open too! He cut the grass yesterday after work. Thank goodness. After, he comes inside to shower and cleanup his sweaty self as I'm making dinner. I wasnt even thinking anything of it, assuming he cleaned up his mess outside when he was done because...normally he does...... I woke up this morning to this out my bedroom window. I feel like I'm constantly cleaning up after him. Not just closing doors lol

Now we live in a town with lots of car break ins and thefts all around. Why in the world would he not make sure to close and lock up his precious pool table!!! 😂🤔🤦‍♀️