33 days late.. Please read! I’ve avoided posting to keep my mind off.

I tested on and off, I’m aware I could’ve ovulated late. To those who say “go to the doctor” I went nonstop the first two weeks I was late.. I had another appointment set up last Thursday and had to reschedule for May 24th... I don’t know what they will do. But I’ve been having horrible pains when I eat, almost like my gallbladder attacks before I had it taken out, but they are lower lower pains and they come and go! I’ve been having so much frequent urination, literally every hour or two. (I don’t have a uti) I broke out with bumps on my lower stomach, and some diarrhea here and there.. I’ve slept a ton, had heartburn(slightly), my face has been breaking out and I’ve cramped, I just assumed AF was coming because of the symptoms but it did this last month when I missed my period 😅😅

I am not stressed, I actually took a break from ttc because we got engaged last month. I test every week or so.

Anything? Any ideas on what it could be? I know my body, it’s not normal for this to happen!