Competition or being nosey

I feel my mother is in competition or envious of me to some degree or at least this is how it feels to me. When I speak with her it’s always straight to a bunch of questions and wanting every detail. For example Sunday evening I saw a missed call from her, so I phoned her back and she asked what I had I done throughout the day. And I answered not much to keep the q’s at a minimum, and that we are about to eat dinner soon. My hint to her I'm not trying to converse too long. She starts with what am I eating, who’s cooking and is the meat soft or hard to how is it being prepared what are the side dishes, etc, etc. I had just got done telling her my husband is preparing dinner for me for mothers day and she continued with all with what I felt nosey questions. I mean who wants or needs details about everything you do. I mean people don't usually ask more than what you're mentioning or speaking about. Why the details?! It's like is she writing a damn cookbook or what does it matter. I'm just having dinner.💁‍♀️🧐 I mean every single convo always starts out with questions like where is your husband, your son and are they at work & school and what time will they be home as if she hasn't asked the same questions for years and continually getting the same answers. It's so annoying. 🙄 It gets worse. Is this normal? I get the simple convo of questions back & forth but this feels like a damn interrogation, not a normal conversation. She will try to tell me how to cook or do this way as if I don't already have my own way or if hers is better than mine and so on. It will go as far as I prepare food how my family prefers it and she will try to have me cook how she likes it while being a guest in my home when visiting. She had been told over and over about boundaries and she doesn't care. Ready to cut her out my life for too many reasons not listed. Thanks for any input.