i need advice

i’m 14 almost 15 weeks, and i have a 18 month old boy. i try to keep my house clean as much as i can i wake up and do left over dishes even though i’m nauseous. i clean the kitchen and mop the floors of it needs it all while my fiancé is sleeping he works in the afternoon until about 10. so i let him sleep. there are a few problems, i have no sex drive and he keeps telling me that he should get a girl friend if i’m not going to have sex with him, or that the least i can do is have sex with him because i don’t keep up with the house. i got my very first yeast infection and it won’t go away so on top of no sex drive i have to constantly worry/just think about that. i have to force myself to have sex with him so he isn’t nasty he says he’s nasty because it’s all built up anger because he doesn’t have sex. i am a stay at home mom and he works for us. the past week i have been sick sore throat, runny nose and headaches. and he tells me today that i need to stop being lazy and keep the house clean and if i can’t even do that he might as well just be paying child support. even though i told him last night when he goes to work i was gonna clean the whole house. the mornings are just so rough for me. i’m up with our 1 year old if he doesn’t sleep, he stay up until 3am playing video games i let him sleep in. i cant take any medicine so it said rest was what i needed and when i say that to him he’ll tell me to stop making excuses. my house is NOT dirty. messy yes. but i try my hardest to keep up with it. but he doesn’t care about being cleanly ex. so i will clean and he will walk inside with his muddy shoes and a leave a trail of his clothes on the floor. i already have no motivation to do it because my son tears everything apart but then he’s home he’s so nasty to me it makes me excited when he goes to work but when he’s there i’m so anxious that i have to do everything and get everything done otherwise he will be upset with me. sorry this is all over the place. i love him so much he has such good moments but lately it’s been like this. this pregnancy is so much worse then my first on top of being sick i’m so exhausted anyways from hardly sleeping, and the pregnancy m, my son. he tells me that he’d much rather stay home with my son if all he had to do was clean. mind you i had a job that i had to quit because we couldn’t afford the daycare. i don’t know he just makes me feel so worthless and when i ask him to stop being mean and nasty he tells me that he’s just telling me how he feels and i can tell him hiw i feel but when he does he’s being mean. but it’s like he never talks TO me. he’s talking AT me. i don’t know what to do. i wish i had a boyfriend who loved me the way i need someone who wants to take care of me even when i’m sick and don’t feel like picking up the house.