11/05/2019 my clomid baby was born 💕


It was traumatising, but I’ve finally done it. After 18 hours of my water breaking... I had no contractions they induced me 17:00 at 1.5cm dilated and it all started going wrong, I hyper-stimulated within 45 minutes and we was losing her heart beat as I contracted spontaneously I felt like I was dying, they took the pessary straight out. Emergency buzzers were pulled and I was being transferred to theatre immediately for an emergency c-section under general anaesthetic. My contractions were constant and they were struggling to cannulate me to get fluids up, I was injected to reverse the affects of the pessary. Under examination I was now 5cm dilated, within 15 minutes I managed to gas and air it to push her out whilst they were cutting my clothes off for theatre. 2nd degree tear to muscle and baby wasn’t breathing at first but someone was on our side that day ✨

Layla Moon Jackson arrived 11/05/2019 at 20:00 weighing 7 pound 9 she’s the happiest little baby. After 6 rounds of clomid at 39 weeks 6 days I received an absolute miracle. TTC journey is long and tough but we’re only here because we was made to be strong and fight against it. Please never lose hope and look after your mental health in the process 💕

(Us at 2am after daddy had to leave)

(Layla’s first day at home)