So frustrated/mad..WTF CLOMID!!!!

Jordan • Two miracle babies 👧👦 two angel babies 👼👼now trying to conceive our 🌈🌈🌈

So I have done two rounds of clomid now, on metformin twice a day. And still not pregnant. I have literally waste money for what for my doctor to tell me oh this medicine will help keep you pregnant because I supposedly have no problem getting pregnant. I'm at my end I think. I'm so heart broken. For the past two days I have gotten faint positives. Today I'm 12 dpo and my doctor did blood work. Of course it came back negative but she wants me to go back on Wednesday and do blood work to make sure today's negative wasnt because it was to early. Idk I'm so upset. And so frustrated. I just want to give up. I pray everyday for our rainbow baby. I do everything the doctor say. I just feel so defeated today. Like I'm just hopelessly worthless. I know I sound stupid and ridiculous. But it's not fair. Having chemical pregnancies and then a ectopic/miscarriage. I've been through so much I'm allowed to be mad and vent right?! Or am I wrong for feeling like this?