Keep the name, or go with something else?


Hubby and I picked out the name “Charlotte” for our very first child (baby girl due in 5 days!!!) as soon as we learned the gender at our 20 week scan. We planned to call her “Charlee,” and it is surprisingly a name that no one on either side of our family has voiced distaste for! (That’s a shock, after some of the opinions about the names of recent nieces/nephews!)

We love traditional names and were overjoyed to not have pushback from grandparents, siblings, etc. And, at the time, nobody else we knew or knew of had a daughter named Charlotte, so we thought it was traditional but somewhat special.

In the past month, however, we’ve met so many other couples in our area alone who have already named their newborns or are planning on naming their daughters Charlotte and wanting to call them Charlie. These people aren’t necessarily close friends, but it has us rethinking the name, as we really don’t like the idea of our daughter having the same name as so many other girls her age. That was the reason we eliminated some of the other names on our list, but “Charlotte” is obviously way more popular than we thought.

We’ve been talking about switching to one of the other traditional names that were on our list in the beginning, but I’m on the fence about it. We’ve all been calling her Charlotte/Charlee for so long that changing the name so close to her arrival seems frivolous and possibly insane! But at the same time, I don’t want her to have to go by “Charlotte B” her whole school life because there are 5 others in her class...

What do you think? Should we find a new name or stick with Charlotte/Charlee?

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