
So I got the Merina IUD almost a year ago, I normally go about 2 months in between having a period...In April I had 2 periods the first one from the 1st to the 6th the second from the 13th to the 17th. And I’ve had spotting ever since then. Last week I started feeling a little nauseous one day, so I took 2 pregnancy tests. They were both negative. I’ve felt fine since then, no more nausea. Yesterday I bent over and felt a little pop near my cervix, and then for the rest of the day I felt a little discomfort on the left side of my cervix, kind of like a little pressure. Today that feeling is gone. But starting about 4 hours ago I started having some cramping, coming from my uterus and radiating to my back. Which isn’t normal. I haven’t cramped since I got my IUD. I called my dr, and he said my body is probably still getting used to my IUD since I’ve only had it for about a year and that it’s nothing to worry about. So I guess my question is, has any one else experienced this? What did it turn out to be? I’m just terrified that my IUD has moved. Please help!